Inman Park Dance Festival Film Showing Now Streaming
As part of the 22nd Inman Park Dance Festival, the festival presented a film showing. The three films of the showing are now available streaming for free to the public. The films can be accessed via the Inman Park Festival and Tour of Homes website here. The films that were a part of the inaugural showing were Restructured by Full Radius Dance, Home Sweet Home by Jodi Jernigan and Beauty Through Mattus by Movement Arts Atlanta. Beauty Through Mattus is part of A Time with Isadora.
Restructure is the third and final installment of Full Radius Dance’s video series Return. The series looks at how Full Radius Dance evolved during the pandemic. Restructure was filmed in the Historic Fourth Ward Skatepark. It's about regaining balance and about being confined by your environment but also being inspired by that same environment. The film highlights the fragility of our bodies contrasted with the hardness of concrete. The work is ultimatly about survival.
Home Sweet Home leans into the discomfort and paranoia that lies within the phenomenon of dissociation while exploring the blurred lines between body and mind. Utilizing multi-disciplinary art forms, the film emphasizes the distortion and discomfort one might experience when their body doesn't feel like their own and their home within it doesn't feel "sweet."
Beaty Through Mattus uses the dance by the same name created for A Time to look at the role of art and the artist. It works with the idea that it is the roll of art and artist to bring a glimpse of the divine and order to the audience from chaos. It also supports the theme that all of need and crave beaty.
The link on the Inman Park Festival and Tour of Homes website will be live until June 30, 2024.